Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Ride Earth - Photostreams on Flickr

Time to Jump into June, it's been a quick transition of months with cycling in weekend spinning mode (mountains with Murray a few weeks back), a trip to Jeju Island with my family, and next weekend's prospect of the Beach Blanket Apocalypse in Sokcho happening on Saturday. Options are to load the bike to Express to Gangneung and connect with Sokcho on Friday night, will be quite late then. The rest of the weekend will encompass this Beach affair with drum jams, swim-swim in the Pacific, and launch South on bike for more training Sunday-Monday. Prime weather predicted for cycling since the dry spell is now, and Monsoons are sure to come!

Ride Earth Photostreams on Flickr [LINK, FOR VIEWING PLEASURES!)

Ride Earth is a Collaborative-World-Cycle-by-Mountain Bike. I really enjoy reading their blog (or seeing their updates on Flickr), whichever progress line is equally digestible, in printed words, or the amazing photostreams, it's definitely worth a look at their adventure off the beaten-tracks (Middle East, Africa, Southeast Asia...) Hope to see them on the other side of the world soon!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Adam, it's been a long time...I replied earlier and just wondered how your planning went along? Take Care bro, same plans here A2A 2012 (:
