I came across an excellent expedition promoting "nature, culture and community" movement across the conservation areas in South Africa led by Adventurer Kingsley Holgate, here is a brief synopsis from Boundless:
"What is Boundless ?
Nine Southern African countries have elected the Boundless Southern African brand as a means of showcasing the various trans-frontier conservation areas. They are united through their passion for nature, culture and community. Through Boundless, these countries offer tourists so much more in terms of experiencing wildlife and scenic beauty in pristine destinations. Boundless also affords tourists the opportunity to engage directly with local communities and learn about their culture, history and sustained conservation of the environment and cultural heritage.
To read more, visit the following URL -
Website: Kingsley Holgate's-> Boundless Southern Africa Expedition
If you prefer video, check them out on YOUTUBE:
Video: Mad Mike's -> Jump Garmin SkyDiving Team
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